Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Wednesday Feel Goods!

Bitter Southerner Summer Reading List

So far, it’s been a whirlwind of a year.
Scanning the news these days feels like trying to follow a Tom Clancy plot. We cannot, of course, stick our heads in the sand, because we care too greatly about what’s going on in the world. But we do have a suggestion as you head into the summer:
Don’t forget to read other things. Like this summer’s crop of great Southern books.
Every year, our recommendations come from the BS staff and a few of our brilliant, thoughtful, and forever well-read friends at indie bookstores around the South. This year, we checked in with A Cappella Books in Atlanta, Avid Bookshop in Athens, Georgia, Octavia Books in New Orleans, and Parnassus Books in Nashville. Just like always, the South’s most beloved independent shop owners generously offer up what’s new, what’s coming, and which titles they consider must-read

To get the full list click HERE

Read Three Article: 5-24-17

North Carolina 
99 percent of Hurricane Matthew aid requested by NC denied by Trump administration

Plan to curb panhandling takes people from begging to work

Stress Can Trigger Uptick in Illegal Drug Use for Those on Parole, Probation